Understanding DISC

Membership Welcome

Welcome everyone to the Direct Import Shoppers Club! As the name would suggest, it is a club, made up of members, who do shop. And it is the members who benefit from getting products direct from suppliers rather than having to pay for all the mark ups along the way before they purchase their products.

Direct Import Shoppers Club or DISC as we like to say is the way we will all be doing our shopping, as it is the only thing that makes sense. Why would you pay to be marketed to and pay for rents of shopping centres and pay for shipping to those stores, to then only have to cart your purchases home. It is inefficient and costly. When you are a DISC member, you don't have to pay for any of that, and you can get the highest quality goods, for a much lower price than you can get anywhere else. It just makes sense.

So we want you to take a look around, ask us lots of questions, and find what you are looking for at an unbeatable price. Take a look at becoming a member today, so you to can get the benefits that our members are getting, and shop how it should be, not how it used to be.